Written Sound
Onomatopoeia Dictionary
Words that sound like the thing they mean: Imitative words. From the Greek "onoma" (name) and "poiein" (to make)


exclamation expressing pain. there is a webpage dedicated to the many different spellings of aargh on the web. The top five most common spellings is argh, aargh, aaargh, arrgh, arrrgh.

human pain


The sound of sticking your tongue out. Often used in cat pictures on the internet, showing a cat with tongue sticking out.

tongue cat animal meme


to make a harsh cry (like a cat in heat). More cat sounds

animal vocalization


interjection used to express actual or feigned ignorance or stupidity, also used derisively to indicate that something just stated is all too obvious or self-evident


eastern phoebe

(Sayornis phoebe) small passerine bird. This tyrant flycatcher breeds in eastern North America, although its normal range does not include the southeastern coastal USA. It is migratory, wintering in the southernmost USA and Central America. Voice: Song is two rough, whistled notes, "fee-bee" with the second note rasping or with a stuttered, more whistly second note "fee-b-be-bee." Call note a clear chip. about this bird

animal bird


sound produced by victim of punch in the stomach. from:
Dragon Ball Z Vol 1, by Akira Toriyama
the original word, meaning "to catch the breath convulsively and audibly (as with shock)" is not directly imitative

human hard_hit


(noun) jargon or highly intricate language that is hard to understand or incomprehensible. Comes from gobble, the vocalization of turkeys. Wikipedia

great kiskadee

passerine bird (Pitangus sulphuratus) found in southern Texas and middle and south america. this bird is a flycatcher. the voice is described by some sources as dee-kis-ka-dee, by others as BEE-tee-WEE. The latter gives the bird its name in different languages and countries: In Brazilian Portuguese the birds name is bem-te-vi, or bien-te-veo (spanish) meaning ("I've spotted you!"). In El Salvador the bird is known as Cristofue, and in Paraguay as pitogue. In French it is called tyran quiquivi. link1, link2, video

animal bird


cat vocalization, as used in James Joyce's Ulysses More cat sounds


ha ha

laughter. most common form. intensity grows by adding ha's. absence of an exclamation mark can be a hint of sarcasm, or indicate a polite, but unenthusiastic laugh. dependent on context, tone, facial expression, etc. Also: haha



laughter, often used to express scorn or disbelief. Often duplicated or triplicated (haw haw or haw haw haw)

human laughter


to make a sharp sibilant sound, produced by geese and snakes, or a cat (when angry/scared). More cat sounds

gas vocalization


interjection used in many ways, one of which is to indicate that one is thinking, feeling, introspecting. also: hmm (more m's are added for dramatic effect or other reasons


1. to make a light clinking or tinkling metallic sound, 2. to rhyme or sound in a catchy repetitious manner 3. brief musical tune to mark the beginning of a show or segment of a show

metal music


Sound of a cat coughing up a hairball. More cat sounds

animal eat_drink disease cat vocalization


sound of squeezing a can of oil to lubricate something ("Garfield", Jim Davis)

metal engine liquid


cattle vocalization



to rove or pillage for spoils. This word may be of imitative origin, imitating the vocalization of a tomcat. More cat sounds

animal human destroy plunder


cat vocalization. More cat sounds



cat vocalization. More cat sounds



cat vocalization, as used in James Joyce's Ulysses. also spelled mrkgnao; mrkrgnao


Sound of sticking out one's tongue, especially to lap up something to drink. Popular with cat pictures on the internet. Blogpost about the difference between mlem and blep

cat meme animal tongue


cat vocalization. More cat sounds



cat vocalization (Doggies by Sandra Boynton). More cat sounds


1. interjection used to indicate a sudden vanishing: The magician waved a wand, and poof! The birds disappeared! (often with a little cloud of smoke) In this sense poof may be imitative. 2. effeminate man or male homosexual. In this sense poof is not imitative

gas air movement misc


sound produced by cats when sociable or (sometimes) when distressed. also: purr. More cat sounds

animal vocalization


a sound produced by cats, when sociable or sometimes when distressed. also: prr. More cat sounds

animal vocalization


short for raspberry tart, rhyming slang for fart: a sound of contempt made by protruding the tongue between the lips and expelling air forcibly to produce a vibration; broadly : an expression of disapproval or contempt. Also "rasp", "razz" or "Bronx cheer". As in "blowing a raspberry", "making a Bronx cheer". Ref: thesneeze , wikipedia.

human gas crack


The word 'rattlesnake' is the words 'rattle' and 'snake' joined together. Rattlesnakes receive their name for the rattle located at the end of their tails. The word 'rattle' is likely of imitative origin.


laughter. indicating derision or perhaps an immature reaction to lewd material, can have connotations of being mean spirited - laughing at someone else's expense



to catch the breath convulsively, usually when crying



a noisy altercation or quarrel usually over petty matters



sound of a baseball, hitting a catcher's mitt (ref)

sports ball movement hit

Tluuck tluck tlawck tlock tlaack tlack tlick!

Sound of a pizzicato violin (Squeak, Rumble, Whomp Whomp Womp. Wynton Marsalis & Paul Rogers, 2012


1. sound of coughing, 2. used to indicate the sound of a cough or grunt or to express disgust or horror

human human disease


interjection used to indicate affirmation, agreement, or gratification, also: huh



interjection used to indicate dismay or concern



(catharus fuscescens) bird species belonging to the larger group of thrushes. voice: Song a resonating, ethereal "da-vee-ur, vee-ur, veer, veer," descending slightly in pitch. Call note is a nasal "phew" or "veer" about this bird

animal bird


bird species (catoptrophorus semipalmatus). a large sandpiper of the interior West (north america) and the ocean beaches, the willet is known by its piercing calls and bright black-and-white flashing wings. Call: a loud, ringing "pill-will-willet.". about this bird

animal bird

wubba lubba dub-dub

catchphrase used by Rick from the cartoon Rick & Morty Fandom


sound of a cat eating wet food (ref). More cat sounds

cat animal eatdrink food vocalization


to cry loudly with pain, caterwaul, howl

human pain animal vocalization

Search tips:

- Fewer searchterms (eg. cat will yield more results than cat sounds)

- Try synonyms (eg. if saber does not give you results, try sword, cutlass or blade)

- Truncate (eg. walk will give more results than walking because it returns everything that has walk in it including walked and walks)